Rocky Flats Coalition of Local Goverments
The Rocky Flats Coalition of Local Governments was established in February 1999 by an intergovernmental agreement among the seven local governments that border the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site or own open space adjacent to the site — Jefferson County, Boulder County, City and County of Broomfield, City of Arvada, City of Boulder, City of Westminster, and Town of Superior.
It ceased operation in March 2006.
The Coalition was profoundly interested in the Rocky Flats cleanup and thus worked with citizens, elected officials, site workers, and regulators on the safe and timely cleanup and closure of Rocky Flats and future use of the Site. The cleanup, closure, long-term protection, and future use of Rocky Flats presented numerous technical and political challenges that necessitated significant local government involvement. The Coalition was imbued with the responsibility of working collaboratively and with the community to ensure the cleanup protected human health and the environment now and into the future. The management of Rocky Flats as a National Wildlife Refuge after closure and corresponding maintenance of long-term stewardship systems remain critical to the success of the cleanup and transition effort. The Coalition played a pivotal role in this important community effort.
Towards this end, the Coalition focused on the following areas:
Cleanup and closure;
Future use;
Long-term stewardship;
Workforce issues (including safety); and
Outreach and advocacy.
··· Cleanup Issues ···
Independent Verification Matrix - Outstanding Issues2/8/05
Comments on Groundwater Interim Measure/Interim Remedial Action1/25/05
Comments on Original Landfill Interim Measure/Interim Remedial Action7/12/04
Comments on Pond and Land Configuration Environmental Assessment1/20/04
Comments on Building 371 Decommissioning Operations Plan Modification 411/3/03
Comments on Present Landfill Interim Measure/Interim Remedial Action9/8/03
Comments regarding put-back levels for contaminated soils7/15/03
Comments on Building 771 Decommissioning Operations Plan Modification 56/3/03
Comments on Building 776/777 Decommissioning Operations Plan Modification1/6/03
Comments on proposed modifications to Rocky Flats Cleanup Agreement9/9/02
Comments on the 903 Pad remediation9/9/02
End-State Position Paper2/25/02
Concern regarding delays of shipments to the Savannah River Site [Secretary of Energy]2/25/02
Concern regarding delays of shipments to the Savannah River Site [Senator Allard]2/25/02
Concern regarding delays of shipments to the Savannah River Site [Representative Udall]2/25/02
Concern regarding delays of shipments to the Savannah River Site [Governor Owens]10/8/01
Comments on the Standard Operating Procedure for Routine Soil Remediation4/12/01
Request for semi-annual cleanup progress report3/12/01
Safety concerns regarding reduction of Protected Area2/26/01
Comments on Building 371 Decommissioning Operations Plan1/9/01
Comments on Building 771 Decommissioning Operations Plan1/7/01
Comments regarding Rocky Flats radionuclide soil action levels9/18/00
Comments regarding Rocky Flats soil action levels1/28/00
Selection of new Department of Energy-Rocky Flats Field Office Manager11/19/99
Request for easier access to site documents8/9/99
Comments on the RFCA Standard Operating Protocol for Recycling Concrete7/21/99
Comments on Interim Transuranic Waste Storage Environmental Assessment7/1/99
Support for 2006 closure=====
··· Future Use Issues ···
The future use of Rocky Flats remains a priority issue for the Coalition. After years of dialogue among elected officials and with community members, the Coalition unanimously supported "The Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge Act of 2001" (S.1438, Section 3171), which passed December 2001.
The bill, sponsored by Senator Wayne Allard and Representative Mark Udall, designates Rocky Flats as a national wildlife refuge managed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. This designation will occur upon the successful cleanup and closure of the Rocky Flats. The Coalition participated in discussions with the Fish and Wildlife Service about how the national wildlife refuge will be managed. The Coalition is also involved in discussions regarding mineral acquisition.
National Wildlife Refuge Bill, approved December 28, 2001 (PDF format)
Acquisition of Rocky Flats Mineral Rights6/6/05
Letter Regarding Membership in the Local Stakeholder Organization (LSO)5/2/05
Support for the Rocky Flats Cold War Museum1/7/05
Request for Legacy Management to work with Coalition on Local Stakeholder Organization1/7/05
Delay in issuing Memorandum of Understanding1/4/05
Thank you for his efforts in establishing Local Stakeholder Organization12/6/04
Regarding the report to Congress: Rocky Flats Museum Options4/5/04
Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan/Environmental Impact Statement5/2/03
Appropriations to the Land and Water Conservation Fund for mineral rights acquisition5/2/03
Appropriations to the Land and Water Conservation Fund for mineral rights acquisition4/8/03
Supporting draft legislation addressing acquisition of mineral rights5/6/02
Supporting acquisition of mineral rights5/6/02
Supporting acquisition of mineral rights12/4/01
Stewardship Working Group's Dialogue with Rocky Flats Field Office8/6/01
Supporting National Wildlife Refuge Act7/9/01
Transportation corridor7/9/01
Transportation corridor6/01
Newspaper Op-Ed article supporting National Wildlife Refuge Act5/7/01
Letter opposing Competitive Enterprise Institute paper4/9/01
Regarding Hand-in-Hand: Stewardship and Closure4/9/01
Letter of Transmittal of Stewardship Working Group Report1/8/01
Resolution supporting Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge Act8/31/00
Press Statement: Support of Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge Bill8/18/99
Comments on the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge Act8/18/99
Comments on the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge Act7/13/99
Letter of appreciation for meeting with RFCLOG=====
··· Worker Issues ···
The Rocky Flats Special Exposure Cohort Act5/8/01
Appreciate support for Rocky Flats worker retirement5/8/01
Appreciate support for Rocky Flats worker retirement4/12/01
Administration of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program12/20/00
Support for investigation into worker exposures12/20/00
Support for investigation into worker exposures9/11/00
Rocky Flats Workers Health Benefits5/21/99
Appreciate support for Office of Worker and Community Transition funding5/21/99
Appreciate support for Office of Worker and Community Transition funding5/21/99
Appreciate support for Office of Worker and Community Transition funding -
··· 2006 RFCLOG Meeting Minutes
··· 2005 RFCLOG Meeting Minutes
··· 2004 RFCLOG Meeting Minutes
··· 2003 RFCLOG Meeting Minutes
··· 2002 RFCLOG Meeting Minutes
··· 2001 RFCLOG Meeting Minutes
··· 2000 RFCLOG Meeting Minutes
December 4, 2000 (Board Meeting)
December 1, 2000 (Board Retreat)
January 6, 2000 (Board Meeting)
··· 1999 RFCLOG Meeting Minutes
Long-term stewardship is key to the Coalition as cleanup decisions will affect our communities long after Rocky Flats has been cleaned and closed. The cleanup will not eliminate all contamination and related risks, so long-term monitoring and maintenance will be necessary to protect human health and the environment.
In an effort to help ensure the long-term protection of our communities and to address the relationship between stewardship and cleanup, the Coalition worked collaboratively with the Rocky Flats Citizens Advisory Board (RFCAB) to direct the Stewardship Working Group. The group's primary goal was to develop the information necessary to allow the community to effectively inform remedy selection.
Letter to DOE Legacy Management Regarding the Report to Congress: Rocky Flats Museum Options
Stewardship Working Group Report: The Rocky Flats Stewardship Toolbox: Tools for Longterm Planning
(43 pages, PDF file)Letter to DOE Regarding Stewardship Working Group's Dialogue with Rocky Flats Field Office
RFCLOG Letter of Transmittal of Stewardship Working Group Report to DOE, EPA and CDPHE
RFCLOG Letter to DOE-Rocky Flats Regarding Hand-in-Hand: Stewardship and Closure
Stewardship Working Group Report: Hand-In-Hand: Stewardship and Cleanup
(51 pages, PDF file)Letter of Transmittal of Stewardship Working Group Report to RFCLOG and RFCAB